Closing Pools

I live in Texas so I know nothing about closing pools.  When are you all starting to close your pools?  I am seeing a traffic drop on pool logger as of the last couple weeks so I was just wondering if people are already making preparations and maybe I need to make a Closed mode, so it turns off all notifications etc.


  • Holydoc
    I close my pool once it reaches 60 deg.  The reason I do that is that algae growth seems to slow down considerably at that temperature.  I close by raising my FC to SLAM level and then keeping it at the FC/CYA level.  Of course I do not test but once a week instead of 5 times a week.

    It would be great to have a CLOSED mode that shuts off all notifications.  Then we can turn it back to Open in the Spring.
  • bucka
    After Labor Day in upper Michigan 
  • teald024
    Here in central Ohio, pool stores start scheduling closings around beginning of Sept. If you follow TFP methods, you should wait until the water is in the lower 60s consistently. For me, that was mid October last year.  I know that I've been testing less since it's colder out and the pool is using far less FC than during Summer. 
      You may also be seeing Houston / Florida area users that are dealing with Hurricane recovery and not able to focus on pool stuff. 
  • joshua5438
    I think that having a closed mode would be a great idea!  I have been slack the past month about logging my results as I have only been testing once a week at most.  I will be closing it here soon and had not thought about the notifications being on.  
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